Discovery Invest has returned R20 billion to investors through its shared-value rewards program since its inception in 2007. The company recently announced new investment products, including the Secure Capital Annuity and a Bitcoin Fund, catering to local clients. The Secure Capital Annuity guarantees income for life and offers a unique thirteenth cheque each year, helping retirees cover early retirement expenses and later-stage medical costs.

Of the total benefits, R6.8 billion has already been paid out to clients, with R13.2 billion accruing to those who haven’t reached retirement or the end of their long-term investments. Discovery Invest’s shared-value model aims to improve retirement outcomes and foster positive investment behaviors amongst its clients. CEO Kenny Rabson highlighted the success of their interventions in encouraging longer savings periods, higher contributions, and lower withdrawal rates among clients.

Read the full article on the Daily Investor.